Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Revolutionary Suicide

Revolutionary Suicide

Huey P Newton is at first glance a polarizing and amazing man that has done more for the people of this country in about a 6 year period than most will in 2 lifetimes. Even though he was illiterate as a high school graduate, he argued and won criminal cases against him. Revolutionary Suicide has been out of print for a while, but it is back. While I do not agree with much of the Black Panthers politics, or their founders, I find their tactics bold and their methods pure. I use bold and pure on purpose. They argued that our rights, well specifically the "Black mans rights," were just as stated in the Declaration of Independence, endowed by our Creator. These could not be granted, or taken... simply they were our rights. They studied and obeyed the laws, while carrying shotguns dressed in black "uniforms", making sure others did the same. Pure and bold are the only to words I believe convey my feelings on that issue. I could not possibly in a few short words even hint at the impact the events of this story had on America and the world. Sadly due to either me being too excited to finally read a book I had been waiting years for, or because it really did just suck, I felt the book came up short, VERY short. The first 20% or so gives you a pretty good grasp of the mindset of Mr. Newton, at least bringing me up to the speed of his perceptions. Since I was not alive at that time, nor am I black, some of his descriptions were taken at face value as best as I could. The next 60% he came off as a narcissistic, megalomaniac that reminded me a lot of Alex Jones and his ilk. He would be in the middle of an amazing observation about humanity, then either retreat to quoting the most obscure text he could, or drop off topic to say it is the "white racist power structure" out to get him. Didn't matter if it was America, Africa, or Albania it was all the same New World Order (or in this case Old World Order) out to crush this one man. In the last 20% he narrates his 3 trials (same charges), his time in prison, and finally dismissal of charges. This was by far the most interesting part of the book. When he writes about finding himself in the darkness of solitary, of wanting more of it rather than give up an inch I finally saw what he brought out in people. Huey P Newton is some one I can never meet, will probably never agree with politically, and can never truly identify with...yet he inspires me to be a better man and I am for reading his book. There are certain parts I will have on my mind the day I reach my grave, and every day up til then. It might be strange after I just spent time telling you the majority of it is shit, but YOU should read this book, the story as they say must be told. Power to the People.

R.I.P. Huey, you have earned it.

P.S.- Yes the 10 point plan is f'd up, yes he had many short comings, yes his character was challenged and tarnished in later years. But does anyone give a rats ass trying to bring you down to tarnish all you have done? Even flawed he is still a better man than many I know today, that is not a stab at the people I know, but Huey P Newton was tested and he came out intact more times than most.

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