Sunday, February 21, 2010

The unanimous Declaration

Today as part of the 2010 tour of the Declaration of Independence, an original Dunlap Broadside printed on July 4, 1776 was on display in Arizona.
See news of it HERE

Seeing it just inches away, knowing the history, it affected me beyond my comprehension. I was damn near teary eyed as I saw the past 230+ years flash in front of me. I have, as of yet, been unable to travel to DC to see so much history, and rely on copies I have hung in my house. The power of this document, it pure words, hit me like a brick in the face. If you have a chance, see this. When asked by the local media "How I felt after examining the document," I could only respond that I was honored to see something that was so important to our history. They then asked if I would speak "on camera," sorry but no; I do not trust the local media at all.My boys, along with the Arizona Rangers, and the previously mentioned document.



1 comment:

PolyKahr said...


Even seeing just a copy is inspiring. Nice pic, btw.
